Posts containing: alumni
Why I Work at CodeWorks image
Why I Work at CodeWorks
The story of going from recruiting developers to training them and how that lead to a much more fulfilling career...
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A former high school teacher reviews Codeworks bootcamp image
A former high school teacher reviews Codeworks bootcamp
This review is intended for anyone considering taking a coding bootcamp at Boise Codeworks. I hope that my review can help you make a considered opinion. I enrolled in and successfully completed a 3-month course at this school. I hope that my perspective on the school is valuable not only because it is based on first-hand experience but because it is informed by my years of training and practice as a teacher....
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Better than a Bachelors image
Better than a Bachelors
I made the jump and hold my time and certificate at Boise CodeWorks as more valuable than my bachelors degree. You will learn more about software development and have more hands on experience than 90% of the computer science graduates in the university. You will be taught how to think differently, work differently, and program at a professional level....
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You Quit Your Job for a Reason image
You Quit Your Job for a Reason
"Keep pushing. You quit your job for a reason, and you graduated from this program. Don’t forget that you do have what it takes. You don’t want to take any job that you won’t enjoy. You did this program to do development. Wait for the perfect job to come to you, because it will."...
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The Journey of a Bootcamp Grad image
The Journey of a Bootcamp Grad
At this point, I am assuming you know what CodeWorks does. So, I am going to tell you a bit about my experience, from the student perspective. My name is Dustin VanCour. I am a member of the Summer 2019 immersive full stack course and this is my story:...
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Choosing a Bootcamp image
Choosing a Bootcamp
Coding Bootcamps are still a new concept in the tech industry, yet they are popping up all over the nation. While computer science programs are filling up and expanding, there simply aren’t enough CS graduates to fill the tech needs....
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Filling Idaho's STEM Gap image
Filling Idaho's STEM Gap
Seven-thousand STEM jobs went unfilled in Idaho in 2017 and on Wednesday's Idaho Matters we'll learn about efforts to fill those positions and prevent this employment gap in the future with Jake Overall of CodeWorks, Nathan Muller of Zennify and previous student Caleb Adrien....
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The First Step... Believe in Yourself. image
The First Step... Believe in Yourself.
It takes courage to do anything that’s truly rewarding, and learning to become a professional software developer is especially gratifying because of the level of difficulty and effort required....
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How CodeWorks Changed My Life image
How CodeWorks Changed My Life
The best part of the entire CodeWorks experience happened when it was time to leave! ...The Monday after Code Camp, I had 5 companies seeking me for opportunities, and had already received a verbal offer for employment! How cool, I couldn’t believe the feeling!...
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From Air Force to Software Development image
From Air Force to Software Development
The training was everything I had hoped for: focused, challenging and rewarding. While military bootcamp stressed me physically and emotionally, coding bootcamp challenged me intellectually....
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Why I attended CodeWorks image
Why I attended CodeWorks
I have had many different careers throughout my adult life, but regardless, every day when I got home I would get on my computers and spend as much of my free time as I could....
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Bootcamp after the Military image
Bootcamp after the Military
Much of my experience in my time at CodeWorks was quite comparable to my experience in basic training, the only difference being instead of my body being pushed, my mind was being pushed. Just like when I joined the military, I had the absolute bare minimum as far as experience went. I could write basic HTML, and knew a little CSS, but that was it. And I discovered just how little I knew really quickly....
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